Friday, April 13, 2012

Though for the Week: Apr 14, 2012

An encouragement for this week from the book “Thriving as an Artist in the Church” by Rory Noland:

2 Timothy 1:9.. says,
(God has) saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of His own purpose and grace
Often we artists desperately hunger for someone important to validate us. We yearn for someone whose opinion we trust to tell us what we’re good at so we can go about doing it. We all want to impact others and feel like we’re playing a significant role. However, if we withhold our time, talent, and energy until someone empowers us to play that role, we may miss it altogether. God is the One who calls us to a life of purpose and meaning. Our validation, our empowerment, comes from Him. So keep seeking first His kingdom and He will provide your sense of purpose and accomplishment. Meanwhile, don’t hold back. Don’t stand still. Move forward on whatever path the Lord puts you.

I had a great conversation last night with one of the members of our arts team. They were asking about whether or not to pursue your dreams...for fear of not being able to do what it is you long to do. I can relate so strongly to that as I pursued my own dreams/passion of being a professional actor beginning from the time I was in school. You come across so many “road blocks” as you pursue your dreams including what Rory talks about above...wanting someone to tell you “yes, you can do this”, “yes, you are good enough....talented enough, etc.”.

A book I read years ago that might encourage you and help you (as it did me) if you are looking to pursue your God-given dreams and passions is called “The Dream Giver” by Bruce Wilkinson. This talks about how God is THE dream giver...and we were not given our dreams, passions, talents for no reason. There IS a reason and we ARE to pursue them. I love what Rory says about letting God be the One who validates you instead of looking to the world, family, friends, colleagues, or other artists in your field to do so. Look to the One who created you and “don’t hold back”...”don’t stand still”...and “move forward on whatever path the Lord puts you.” I did that with much fear, but hope and trust in God about 10 years ago. Although I’m not where I thought I would be in my pursuit of my professional acting dream, God put me on some different paths along the way BECAUSE I pursued the dreams and passions He gave me. And those paths led to an amazing place doing something I really love using my passions, talents, & having even better dreams. AND I’ve had many amazing adventures/experiences along the way that would never have happened if I had just stayed still.

Praying these words encourage you today to take your box of dreams/passions/talents down off the shelf, blow the dust off, and seek God with them and then....stop being still and start moving down the path and see what happens!!

Praying for you,