Timothy 1:6.. says, “fan into flame the gift of God which is in you.”
Jesus taught faithful stewardship of the talents we’re given (Matt 25:14-30). 1st Chronicles 25:7 tells us that the artists in the Old Testament were all trained. So we too need to fan into flame the talent God gave us, steward it well, and continue to grow and develop as artists. To keep my artistic side alive, I ask myself the following question, “What is the next step for me artistically?” After pondering that question you might get out and attend a quality concert/play/movie...buy the latest recording from your favorite artist...take a class or lessons...or read a book or magazine or attend a conference to improve your craft.
In the article this was taken from Rory talks about being challenged to develop his artistic gifts while doing his daily job. He didn’t think there would be time for both. What he realized was that he had to be intentional of MAKING time for his artistic gifts. He had to fight for that time.
I can totally relate as the daily grind seems to take all my free time and by the end of the day if it’s not midnight and I’m falling into bed...I still have so little energy left to put into doing something to train my artistic gifts after my daily “to do” list has been achieved. I’ve found I have to MAKE time somewhere in my week. Maybe something else can wait while I take time for this important aspect of nurturing my creative soul & being a good steward with the gifts God has given me. When I do make time it just feeds my soul and lights me up...does it do that for you too? To get to do those things you are gifted in and have a passion for that often get neglected in light of so-called “more important stuff” like mowing the lawn, doing laundry, running errands, paying bills, etc. Those things are important obviously and somehow all of that stuff makes its way onto our schedules and time for our gifts gets knocked off our calendars. Isn’t our body, soul & spirit just as important (if not more so) and worth fighting for? : )
Praying for you,
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