Friday, June 15, 2012

Thought for the Week: June 15, 2012

An encouragement for this week from the book “Thriving as an Artist in the Church” by Rory Noland:

Philippians 2:4.. says, We are “Each of you should look not only to your own interests, but also to the interests of others.
Grabbing attention is a misguided attempt to cure our loneliness and avoid feelings of alienation. You can tell how badly you hunger for attention by the way you react when you don’t get any. That’s why the Lord might continue to put us in situations in which we feel ignored and insignificant until we’re forced to deal with this unhealthy tendency. Most often when we think we need attention from others, that’s not what we need at all. We need to give attention to others.
This was such a good reminder for me to look outside myself to those around me. I can fall victim myself to feeling ignored or insignificant and then get depressed when I feel no one notices me or is giving attention to me. I think that’s part of the creative spirit...we can be so very sensitive which is a GOOD thing which helps us communicate in creative and real ways...but can also have a “shadow” side that can take us into a dark place in our minds feeling all alone when we really aren’t. Even when things seem that way the truth is that our Creator (God) is ALWAYS with us and He is ALWAYS interested in us, what we think, what we’re doing, what we’re feeling/experiencing, etc. And I love the reminder in this verse to look outside myself and see who I might encourage by being interested in them and what they are doing instead of getting so hung up with myself. I might be missing some great opportunities to be the hands and feet of Jesus to someone close by! : )

Praying that you will know how interesting and special you are...especially to your Creator...and that you will find ways to encourage and give attention to those people God has placed around you and that by doing that you will be blessed in ways you never saw coming and that will bring life to your soul!

Praying for you,

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