Friday, March 30, 2012

Though for the Week: Mar 30, 2012

An encouragement from the book “The Heart of the Artist” by Rory Noland:

Ephesians 4:32... says,
be kind and compassionate to one another, forgiving each other, just as in Christ God forgave you.
That’s a great verse. Have you ever thought of applying it to yourself and the artist in you? The perfectionist is not kind to the artist inside. The perfectionist constantly criticizes the artist inside, sets unrealistically high expectations, and sees only the negative. But God made us to be artists. When we mistreat the artist in us, we diminish someone God made and loves.  

What a great week to look at forgiving ourselves as Christ forgave us...the week we look at Jesus’ death and resurrection. He loved you so much He died for you...and forgave you for everything you’ve done and will do.

Praying that you will be kind to yourself and the creative person that is inside you and that you will be able to forgive yourself when things don’t go as perfectly as you had hoped or planned...but you will choose to be compassionate to yourself instead loving the person God created you to be just as He loves you...and gave up His life for you. You were (and are) worth dying for.

Praying for you,

Thursday, March 22, 2012

Thought for the Week: Mar 2, 2012

An encouragement for this week from the book “Opening to God: Lectio Divina and Life as Prayer” by David G. Benner:

1 Thessalonians 5:17... says,
pray continually
If prayer is the natural language of the soul, each of us has a dialect that is most natural for us. Pause and reflect on what your natural dialect might be. Maybe being honestly your unique self before God is more creative; possibly what bursts from within you when you are your true self before God is a short story, a dance, a wonderful culinary creation or a fresh way of looking at some important issue.

Right now I’m spending a few months studying what prayer is and all its different forms as part of the CR Transforming Retreats. I love the idea that prayer can be not only the stereotypical things that come to mind...but that it can be a creative expression of your soul as your way of communicating with God. Now that’s outside the box thinking and I love that! How else would you describe some of the things that come out of your deep soul that you create but a groaning/urging in your spirit towards the One who created you...and that is a form of prayer.

If you read the verse that follows the one above in verse 18 it says to “g
ive thanks in all circumstances; for this is God’s will for you in Christ Jesus.” In a prayer I recently read from Ted Loder in his book “Guerillas of Grace” he prays, “Thankful for the surge of determination to accept difficulty not as an excuse for passivity, but as a goad for creativity.” I love the thought of giving thanks for difficult circumstances as a catalyst for us to be creative...and what might come about could heal our hearts and maybe even others’ hearts as well.

Praying that if you haven’t done so before that you will find your way of expressing yourself creatively to be a unique, personal, healing, and life giving way you can connect with God. Praying you will find that the very thing God put in you to be creative with can be one of the closest ways you can communicate with Him as your true unique self.

If you haven’t subscribed already, I highly recommend the daily free online Lenten devotional at the web link below. It is short, set to beautiful peaceful music, and each day is a very beautiful prayer to pray and connect as your truest self to Him...what a gift for you and God to be able to do that each day leading up to Easter! <>

Praying for you,

Thought for the Week: Feb 17, 2012

An encouragement for this week from the article “An Art-full Church” by Luann Purcell Jennings:

Genesis 1:27... says,
God created human beings in His own image, in the image of God He created them; male and female He created them. ”
God is an artist. When He created the world, He could have made it purely functional, but He never missed an opportunity to make it beautiful and surprising. Much of His revelation of Himself in Scripture is provided in narrative, song, poetry, parable, performance, and visual imagery. God is a creator, and we are created in His image (Genesis 1–2); we are His poiêma or creative workmanship (Ephesians 2:10). Therefore it is against our very nature to live unimaginative lives or to ignore creation’s beauty. The Scriptures instruct us to build, decorate, sing, play instruments and dance, and to do these things with excellence (see Ephesians 5:19; Colossians 3:16). Being an artist is a high calling and a privilege.

Praying that you will realize today what a work of art you are...created in God’s image...and your creativity in whatever area it lies is a part of God’s image and a beautiful reflection of Him in you. May you see that reflection today of His artistry in you...the poiêma you are...and the gifts He’s given you to bless the world around you and minister to your soul as a result of living into the person He created you to be.

Praying you will go forth today with renewed energy & passion to build, decorate, sing, play instruments, dance, cook, design, song write, photograph, sew, create videos, organize, sculpt, teach, woodwork, write, garden, craft, imagine, etc., etc., etc. with joy for the creative calling you have there from your artist Himself!

Praying for you,

Thought for the Week: Feb 25, 2012

An encouragement for this week from the book “The Creative Call” by Janice Elsheimer:

1 Chronicles 25:1... says,
David, together with the commanders of the army, set apart some of the sons of Asaph, Heman and Jeduthun for the ministry of prophesying, accompanied by harps, lyres and cymbals.
God used music to inspire and bring His people closer to Him. If the Lord honored (and set apart) craftsmen, artists, and musicians throughout the history of His chosen people, than surely He treasures the artists and craftspeople of today. Why should we harbor resentment or anger against someone who discouraged us when we have a Father who has given us the gift of creativity, who knows us by name, and is always there to encourage us? We need to focus on our heavenly Father’s encouragement when we feel hurt, angered, or discouraged by others.

As you know, there are many names for God used in the Bible. My favorite one right now is “Truthful One”. The reason it’s my favorite is because He is the source I can go to in order to hear the REAL truth...including the truth about me, who I am, and the gifts He has given me. You may relate to someone or something discouraging you from using your gifts and creativity...I sure when I go back to the Truthful One I can know the truth about who He created me to be & what He created me to do. That helps me overcome the barriers of discouragement and hurt feelings that try and stop me from living into that Truth.

Praying that if you are struggling with the same that you will be able to turn to the source of all Truth, your heavenly Father, your Creator, who lovingly shaped and formed every part of you...your personality...your gifts...your interests...your hobbies...all to live the life He created for you. May your ears and heart be opened to hear His Truth and live into that today. And praying you will be able to forgive and let go of any anger or hurt you may feel towards anyone who didn’t speak the truth to you will be free again! Free to create and be YOU!! : )

Praying for you,

Thought for the Week: Feb 10, 2012

An encouragement for this week from "The Creative Call” by Janice Elsheimer:

Job 32:18-20... says,
For I am full of words, and the spirit within me compels me; inside I am like bottled-up wine, like new wineskins ready to burst. I must speak and find relief; I must open my lips and reply”
If we have neglected to develop and use the talents God has given us, we feel incomplete, unfulfilled, unfinished, even depressed. We are “like new wineskins ready to burst.” We devour books, we travel, we acquire possessions, or we busy ourselves in relationships and careers. We engage in diversions of all kinds in an attempt to find that elusive thing called fulfillment. We spend our time and money in a fruitless search to “find ourselves” instead of finding out how God wants us to use the talents He has given us.  

Praying that if you can relate to this today that you will be able to take the next step...asking God what that might rediscover, use, and/or develop the talents He has given just to you. Praying you will find the fulfillment of knowing you are being whom you were created to be & using your time and talents the way you were created to as a result of taking that next step.

I was so encouraged to hear from some of those who attended the Creative Writing Retreat last weekend when they shared that they were getting back to their passion/talent for writing for the first time in a long time and that God met them in that place...just by taking that next step of just going to the retreat & seeing what would happen. (For some of them that meant climbing the hurdle of the “negative voices in their head” telling them not to go...what was the point, what were they thinking, they weren’t good enough to write, etc. But they knocked over that hurdle & prevailed!!!) Things awoken in their heart and soul again and blessed them in a powerful way as a result of going to that retreat and picking up a pen again and meeting with God.

There is a place for you too, whatever your passions and talents are, to take that next step as these writers did when offered the opportunity. Praying God will reveal that place, or step, to you this week as you spend time listening and asking Him to do that.

Praying for you,

Thought for the Week: Jan 27, 2012

An encouragement for this week from "The Heart of the Artist” by Rory Noland:

Romans 12:6... says,
God has given each of us the ability to do certain things well.”
What is it that God has given you to do well? Be thankful for whatever talent the Lord has given you. While we’re busy envying someone else’s talents, we forget about what God have given us. It seems as though we always want to be something we’re not, and are seldom happy being who we are.

Praying that God will remind you today of what gifts He has given you specifically. And if you aren’t really sure, that He will show you. I’m reading a new book right now called “The Artist’s Rule: nurturing your creative soul with monastic wisdom.” In a passage I just read this week it said, “The inner artist engages the world through the senses and is passionate about beauty, seeking to express it through a variety of media (including visual art, poetry, movement, song, gardening, cooking, relationships, etc.). Artists bring a sense of wonder to their work and open up new ways of seeing the world.” I LOVE that is lists so many ways to be an cooking & gardening & being in relationships. Maybe not what you think of with a stereotypical “artist”. And that’s just a partial list!! So I pray that with God’s help you will see & know what area you are gifted to do well & know that you are an artist...a creative person...and you bring a sense of wonder & show new ways of seeing the world in that specific area you do well, whatever it : )

 Praying for you,

Thought for the Week: Jan 13, 2012

An encouragement for this week from "The Heart of the Artist” by Rory Noland:

Proverbs 18:19... says,
He took me to a safe place. Because he delights in me, he saved me.”
Did you know that God delights in you? He created you & He enjoys being with you. He enjoys seeing you grow. He enjoys watching you be what He created you to be. He enjoys watching you use your talent—every time you perform or create. He delights in you.

Praying that if you struggle to believe that God delights in you, or struggle to know how MUCH He truly loves you that the truth of this scripture, His holy word, will minister to your heart, mind & soul today. May it bring renewed passion and interest for that which you love to do...that which God created you to do. Praying you will find/make time to use your talents this week & feel God delighting in you as you do so.

Praying for you,

Thought for the Week: Dec 9, 2011

An encouragement for this week from "The Heart of the Artist” by Rory Noland:

Proverbs 17:22... says,
a cheerful heart is good medicine”
The artists who has lost their sense of humor can be the most miserable person around. Sometimes we can be too serious for our own good. Joy is one of the fruits of the Spirit, and laughter is indeed good for the soul. Have you ever wondered if God has a sense of humor? One visit to the zoo will tell you that God had a sense of humor & must have had a lot of fun creating the world. Jesus used plenty of humor in His teachings. What have you done for fun lately? Doing things that are enjoyable help to curb a negative attitude.

I can totally relate with being too serious a lot of the time. I always say it’s “business Stacey” coming out...and that can cause me & those around me some unneeded stress at times. So, I’m praying that if you are in need of a good dose of laughter and a light heart you will be blessed with that this week. Praying also that you will also plan something fun that you enjoy to do that will bring you joy this coming week as well! (Seriously...pull out your planner & schedule a time right now before you forget or your week gets filled up! : ) God loves to give good gifts to His children. (see Matthew 7:11)

Praying for you,